District Monthly News: July 2010

In This Issue:

  • NAWJ's 32nd Annual Conference, October 13-17 - San Francisco, Open Your Golden Gate
  • Submit Your Nominations for 2010-2011 NAWJ Board Officer Positions, Deadline August 1st
  • Counterbalance Submissions due by July 15, 2010
  • NAWL 2010 Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon, July 21-22, New York City
  • NAWJ Co-Sponsors ABA Annual Meeting Programs, August 5-10, San Francisco
  • Golden Gate University Lecture, Women Chief Justices Event, October 12th
  • New NAWJ Merchandise: Desk Clock, Velvet-lined Lacquered Box
  • Latest News
  • More Events
  • Announcements

NAWJ 2010 Annual Conference
San Francisco, Open Your Golden Gate!
October 13-17, 2010
A Focus on Children, Family and the Elderly

Attendee registration fee includes all educational sessions, receptions, meals, transportation to events listed in the program and use of the hospitality suite. Guest registration fee includes all of the above except educational sessions.

Registration forms postmarked after the registration deadline of September 14, 2010 must include a $50 late registration fee.

If notice of cancellation is received after September 14, 2010, the registration fee, less a $50 processing fee, is refundable. Cancellations received within 3 days of the conference are refundable less a $100 processing fee.

Rooms at The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco have been guaranteed at the rate of $289.00 plus applicable state and local taxes, single or double occupancy. For reservations call 1-800-241-3333 or (415)-296-7465 and state that you are with the National Association of Women Judges (NAWJ). Reservations must be made on or before Monday, September 20, 2010, to guarantee the conference rate (subject to availability). The group rate is being offered three days pre/post based on availability.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Noon to 5:00 p.m.    NAWJ 2009-2010 Board Luncheon and Meeting
2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.    Registration
3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.    First Time Attendee Meeting
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.    Welcome Reception
Thursday, October 14, 2010
7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.    Registration
7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.    Breakfast
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.    Conference Opening/Welcome Plenary
10:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.    Break
10:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.    Plenary Session: Minnesota v. White


Justice Ming Chin, Supreme Court of California

Professor Pamela Karlan, Stanford Law School

Michelle Friedland, Esq., Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP

Professor Judith Resnik, Yale Law School

Justice Maria Rivera, First Appellate District, San Francisco

12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m.    Luncheon

Keynote Luncheon Speaker: Gail Collins
Ms. Collins joined the New York Times in 1995 as a member of the editorial board, and in 2001 became the first woman ever appointed editor of the Time’s editorial page. In 2007, she stepped down and finished her book "When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present," returning to the Times as a columnist in July 2007.

2:00 PM to 3:15 p.m.    Concurrent Programs:
Program 1: "Girl Trouble" – A Video Screening and Panel Discussion in 2 Sessions
("Girl Trouble" is an award winning film that takes an intimate look at the compelling personal stories of three teenage girls entangled in San Francisco’s juvenile system. At this workshop, you will view the video and be part of an interactive dialogue with a panel that will include a judge, one of the three girls, as well as the film’s producer and Lateefah Simon. Following a ]discussion of the issues raised in the film, the session will focus on how to help girls like those who are depicted in the "Girl Trouble" video.)

Hon. Richard Vlavianos, California Superior Court, San Joaquin County
Ms. Lateefah Simon, Executive Director, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, S.F.
Ms. Stephanie Sabini, One of the “girls” featured in the documentary, currently Operations Manager for Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, San Francisco
Ms. Julie Posadas-Guzman, Attorney, JPG Consultants, Oakland
Lexi Leban, producer-Director, San Francisco

Program 2: Self Represented Litigants

Justice Kathleen O’Leary, Forth Appellate District, Santa Ana
Jennifer Gee, District Chief Judge, U.S. Dept. of Labor
Beverly Nash, Federal ALJ

Program 3: Reducing Risk and Assessing Dangerousness in Criminal Domestic Violence Cases
(This workshop features a review of important national research on assessing dangerousness and lethality in domestic violence incidents and the assessment tools developed as part of that research. Building on this overview, faculty will discuss the practical application of this information and highlight and analyze judicial decisions requiring risk assessment in criminal domestic violence cases.)

Dr. Jacqueline Campbell, PhD., RN, FAAN, Johns Hopkins University
Judge Sharon Chatman, California Superior Court, Santa Clara County
3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.    Break
3:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.    Concurrent Programs:

Program 1: "Girl Trouble" II
(Attending first session is not required)

See above.

Program 2: Best practices in Presiding over Patent Cases

U.S. District Court Judge Marilyn Hall Patel (N.D.CA.)
Palm General Counsel Mary Doyle
Daniel Johnson, Jr., Morgan Lewis & Bockius, Patent Litigation Partner
U.S. District Judge Kathleen O'Malley (if confirmed to the Federal Circuit before then)
Moderator: U.S. District Court Judge Susan Illston (N.D.CA.)

Program 3: Aging and the Dynamics of Elder Abuse
(This workshop will discuss normal aging, emphasize that advanced age does not equal incapacity, and explore the ways in which society's perceptions of age and ageist assumptions can impact the courts' treatment of elders and an elder victim's perception of his or her legal options. The session will help judges to (1) distill evidence of abuse from normal patterns of aging and (2) dispel potential assumptions about the capacity of elder victims.)

Dr. Laura Mosqueda, Director of Geriatrics, UCI School of Medicine
Candace Heisler, Esq., Former Prosecutor; Consultant, Elder Abuse Issues
Moderator: Justice Sandra Margulies, First Appellate District San Francisco
6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.    Reception at the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
8:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.    Hospitality Suite Open

Friday, October 15, 2010
7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.    Registration
7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.    NAWJ District Breakfast Meetings
7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.    Resource Board Meeting
9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.    Plenary: Responding to Violence Against Women: Past Successes and Future Challenges.

Susan B. Carbon, Director, Office on Violence Against Women
Esta Soler, President and Founder, Family Violence Prevention Fund

10:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.    Break
10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.    Concurrent Programs:

Program 1: Foster Care

Justice Carlos Moreno, Supreme Court of California
Chief Judge Judith Kaye (ret), State of New York
H. J. David Ambroz, Esq. Executive Director, Los Angeles City College Foundation, former foster care youth

Program 2: The Law’s Migration

Judge Margaret McKeown, US Court of Appeal for the Ninth Circuit
Professor Judith Resnik, Yale Law School
Professor Vicki Jackson, Georgetown University Law Center

Program 3: Human Trafficking

Alice Hill, Senior Counsel to the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security

12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m.    Sponsors Luncheon
Keynote Speaker: Richard North Patterson
Mr. Patterson is a former trial lawyer, and author of eight consecutive international best sellers, all greeted by critical acclaim including "Conviction" and "Protect and Defend." Mr. Patterson served as the Securities and Exchange Commission's liaison to the Watergate special prosecutor and is now on the boards of several Washington-based advocacy groups dealing with gun violence, political reform, and reproductive rights.
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.    Plenary Session: Conversation with the Chiefs
Ron George, Chief Justice of California
Former Chief Judge Mary Schroeder, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Chief Judge Judith Kaye (Ret.), State of New York
Moderator Justice Carol Corrigan, Supreme Court of California
3:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.    Break
3:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.    Concurrent Programs:

Program 1: Jurisdictional Issues: Tribal Courts and State and Federal Courts and Domestic Violence

Judge William A. Thorne, Jr., Utah Court of Appeals
Joe Myers, Exec. Dir., National Indian Justice Center
Raquelle Myers, staff attorney, NIJC
Carole Goldberg, Professor, UCLA Law School

Program 2: Crawford v. Washington

Professor Jeff Fisher, Stanford Law School
Professor Joan Meier, George Washington University Law School
Moderator: Justice Mark B. Simons, First Appellate District San Francisco

Program 3: New Judge Panel

Judge Tanya R. Kennedy, Civil Court, New York, New York

6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.    Reception at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
8:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.    Hospitality Suite Open
Saturday, October 16, 2010
7:30 a.m. to 12 noon    Registration
7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.    Breakfast
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.    Plenary: Before (and After) Roe v. Wade
Professor Linda Greenhouse, Yale Law School
Professor Reva Siegel, Yale Law School
Moderator: Judge Marla Miller, California Superior Court, San Francisco County

10:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.    Break
10:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.    NAWJ Committee Meetings
11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.    NAWJ Business Meeting, Investiture of Officers and Luncheon
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.    NAWJ New Board Meeting
1:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.    Free Time to Enjoy San Francisco
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.    Cocktail Reception
7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.    NAWJ Annual Awards Banquet
9:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.    Hospitality Suite Open
Sunday, October 17, 2010
9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.    Farewell Breakfast

Nominating Committee Seeks Nominations for 2010-2011 NAWJ Board of Directors Positions – Deadline is August 1, 2010

The Nominating Committee of the National Association of Women Judges seeks nominees for the following positions in the 2010-2011 term:
Vice President for Districts
Vice President for Publications
ABA Delegate

The duties of these positions are set out in the Bylaws, Art. X (Duties of Officers) and Art. VIII (Representatives of Other Organizations.) We invite you to nominate yourself or another member (with consent) for any of these offices. Only voting members, current members who are either sitting or retired member judges, in good standing are eligible to hold office and remain subject to the canons of judicial conduct.
Please submit a letter stating the roles the nominee has played in NAWJ activities, including particular accomplishments you wish to bring to the committee's attention, and the nominee's curriculum vita. The letter also should include a paragraph on the strengths the nominee would bring to the leadership of the organization, such as, for example, past financial experience for the position of treasurer. Current officers seeking a different office must submit a letter of nomination. The President-Elect must have served a term as Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary, or as Chair of the Projects Committee, the Resource Development Committee, or the Finance Committee. Candidates for the position of President-Elect should also address their plans to continue and build on NAWJ’s existing programs and implement NAWJ’s Long-Range Strategic Plan (2007-2012), which can be found at NAWJ’s website.

Individual nominations and nominations by petition must be submitted to the Nominating Committee by August 1, 2010. Please address letters to:
Hon. La Tia W. Martin
Chair, Nominating Committee
National Association of Women Judges
1341 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Fax: (202) 393-0125 or E-mail: nawj@nawj.org

Hon. Mary Becnel, 40th Judicial District Court, Edgard, LA
Hon. Judy Chirlin, Los Angeles Superior Court (Ret), Los Angeles, CA
Hon. Cissy Daughtrey, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, Nashville, TN
Hon. Brenda Stith Loftin, St. Louis County Circuit Court, St. Louis, MO
Hon. Barbara Madsen, Washington Supreme Court, Olympia, WA
Hon. Margret Robb, Indiana Court of Appeals, Indianapolis, IN
Hon. Vanessa Ruiz, District of Columbia Court of Appeals, Washington, DC
Hon. Maritza Segarra, Geary County District Court, Junction City, KS
Hon. Bea Ann Smith, Third Court of Appeals (Ret), Austin, TX
Hon. J. E. Sullivan, Social Security Administration/ODAR, Morgantown, WV
Hon. Shirley Tolentino, Superior Court of New Jersey, Jersey City, NJ

Summer Issue of Counterbalance

The next issue of Counterbalance will be published in August. If you are considering or planning a submission, please forward your idea to VP of Publications Judge Amy Nechtem (amy.nechtem@jud.state.ma.us) or Lavinia Cousin (lcousin@nawj.org) at NAWJ by July 15, 2010 in order to meet our August delivery schedule.

National Association of Women Lawyers
2010 Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon
July 21-July 22nd, 2010
The Waldorf Astoria
301 Park Avenue, New York, New York

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Night of Giving Networking Event
Benefiting CARE International
Featuring Sheryl Wudunn, Co-Author, "Half the Sky"

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Book Discussion: "Justice Older than the Law"
Author Katie McCabe will discuss her book on barrier-breaking, desegregationist, pioneer and civil rights lawyer Dovey Roundtree.
Women Make Great Leaders: How to Translate Leadership Skills Into Workplace Power    
Moderator: Lauren Rikleen, Senior Partner, Bowditch & Dewey LLP and Executive Director of the Bowditch Institute for Women's Success.
Panelists: Teresa Roseborough, Deputy General Counsel, Legal Affairs, MetLife; Elizabeth (Liza) Kessler, Partner-in-Charge, Jones Day, Columbus, OH.; Heidi Levine, Partner NYC, DLA Piper, Co-chair and Co-Founder of DLA Piper's National Women's Initiative, named the Leadership Alliance for Women (LAW); Judiciary, TBA
Workshop: Strategies to Leverage Workplace Power    
Facilitator: Susan Letterman White, MBTI Certified Consultant and Former Managing Partner of Hepburn Willcox Hamilton & Putnam, LLP
Annual Awards Luncheon    
Honoring: Arabella Babb Mansfield Award: The Honorable Judith Kaye
NAWL President's Award: Met Life Legal Department
NAWL Public Service Award: Elaine Jones, President, NAACP Legal Defense Fund
M. Ashley Dickerson Award: Debra Lee, Chairman and CEO, BET Entertainment
NAWL Outstanding Member Awards:    
Elicia Blackwell: Miami, FL
Merrie Cavanaugh: Dallas, TX
Katherine Compton: Houston, TX
Jennifer Guenther: San Bernadino, CA
Kristin Sostowski: Newark, NJ
Janet Stiven: Chicago, IL
How the Economy and In House Counsel Are Changing the Legal Landscape: Opportunities and Challenges for All    
Moderator: Pat Gillette, Partner, Orrick
Panelists: Mike Nannes, Managing Partner, Dickstein Shapiro; Kathryn Levering, Partner, Drinker Biddle & Reath; Kerry Kotouc, Associate General Counsel and Section Head for Corporate Affairs & Government Relations and Legal Administration & External Relations, Walmart; Lisa Martinez-Wolmart, Legal Director, Merck & Co.
The Fourth Annual Conversation: Women Law Firm Leaders Collaborating to Move the Agenda Forward
** Presented by Karen Kahn, Threshold Advisors, LLC co-sponsored by NAWL 
**NOTE: This presentation is by invitation only-if you have an invitation, please register.
Click here.
Hotel Reservations
The Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Please call 877.476.8796
A discounted rate of $269/night is available to NAWL members. However, rooms are limited and based on availability. Please request NAWL block rate when making your reservation.
NAWJ Joins in Sponsorship of American Bar Association Programs from National Conference of Federal Trial Judges, Judicial Division and Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Improvements Programs
At the upcoming ABA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, the ABA’s National Conference of Federal Trial Judges ("NCFTJ"), the ABA Judicial Division, and the ABA’s Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Improvements ("SCFJI") will be presenting three stellar events (listed below), which are sure to be among the most informative, provocative, and high profile programs at the Annual Meeting. All of which will offer attendees Free CLE Credit):

Friday, August 6th
Justice 12.0 – Is There An App for That? A look at the future of the justice system. Spoiler Alert: Science fiction may be more truth than fiction!
'Judging Aging – The Quiz Show' Audience members will use hand-held technology to "vote" on the answers to quiz questions on topics such as the specific cognitive functions involved in the process of "judging," how aging affects those functions, and the positive effects associated with aging which may enhance judges’ performance on the bench."

Sunday, August 8th
Fair Trial, Free Press? Trying High-Profile Cases in a 24/7 'New Media' World" has been named a "Presidential Showcase" Program.
Golden Gate University Distinguished Lecture
Women Chief Justices Event
San Francisco, California

October 12, 2010
Former NAWJ Executive Director, Drucilla Stender Ramey, now Dean of the Golden Gate University law School in San Francisco, California very much hopes that a great group of early arrivals for the NAWJ Annual Conference will attend and help honor NAWJ President Dana Fabe and the other sitting and former Chiefs at a special event. This new GGU event annually features presentations by prominent state Supreme Court Chiefs.
This year's event will begin with a brief welcome by Chief Justice George, followed by an introduction of, and address by, the Justice Dana Fabe. Justice Fabe's remarks will immediately be followed by a dialogue among an extraordinary panel of women who are current or immediate-past Chief Justices—Alaska Supreme Court Justice Dana Fabe, Utah Supreme Court Chief Justice Chris Durham, Washington State Supreme Court Chief Justice Barbara Madsen, former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Leah Sears, and Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Janice Holder, and to some degree, some participation by California State Supreme Court Chief Ronald George. NAWJ co-founder California Appeals Court Justice Joan Dempsey Klein will serve as moderator.
The Women Chiefs' dialogue will be followed by an informal reception for all, and a small dinner at the City Club with the Chiefs.
Get Your Custom NAWJ Merchandise!
Support the Contra Costa Inmate Industries Program and show your NAWJ pride by ordering your desk clock or velvet-lined lacquered box today.

Please see the brochure for more information. Order via the online order form or download the order form and either fax or mail it to the NAWJ national office.
NAWJ Latest News
Keep NAWJ Up-to-Date on Your NAWJ Activities!
District Directors, Committee Chairs and individually sponsored activities you would like to post to the NAWJ Web calendar or in COUNTERBALANCE, please send by e-mail with "NAWJ Calendar Submission" in the subject line to lcousin@nawj.org and include the following information: Event date, Event time, Event title, Event description, Contact, and Location.
Thank you for your help!

More Events
Are you keeping up with all NAWJ events? If not, check out our NAWJ website at http://www.nawj.org

American Bar Association
2010 Annual Meeting
August 5 – 10th
San Francisco, California

National Association of State Judicial Educators
35th Annual Conference
August 8-11, 2010
The Westin Riverwalk
San Antonio, Texas


MentorJet, a Speed Mentoring Experience: Alaska Creates New Outreach Program
In the spirit of the ever popular 'speed dating' phenomena NAWJ President Justice Dana Fabe presents a new outreach program – MentorJet, a 'speed mentoring' networking opportunity that provides high school and college students with one-on-one access to experienced legal professionals who can inform and advise them on prospective legal careers. Alaska created this program and the NAWJ Board of Directors approved the program at its Midyear Meeting in March.

The program uses a 'speed mentoring' format similar to 'speed dating.' This time, up to fifteen mentors sit behind tables with students, traveling in groups of two or three, rotating along the path of the mentors. Each mentor 'date' lasts six minutes, and following the jet transportation theme, students carry with them a Mentor Passport, collecting the initials of mentors with whom they’ve talked. There's even a Mentor Jet Marshall who calls time to move on, and gives a one minute warning. Attendees who complete their passports are eligible for a drawing for door prizes.
President Fabe and NAWJ District Directors Judge Margaret Clark and Judge Jane Craney are planning to conduct this program at the University of Cincinnati Law School on September 24, 2010. To learn more about this innovative program visit www.nawj.org/outreach.

"Tipping the Scales", ABA Journal July Issue Highlights Women Judges
This month’s ABA Journal takes an expansive look at the advances of women judges in states courts, particularly in the South. Read Mark Curriden’s account in the July Issue. Click here to view.

Mission Statement:
The National Association of Women Judges’ mission is to: Promote the judicial role of protecting the rights of individuals under the rule of law through strong, committed, diverse judicial leadership, fairness and equality in the courts, and equal access to justice.

About NAWJ:
Since its formation in 1979, NAWJ has inspired and lead the American judiciary in achieving fairness and equality for vulnerable populations. Led by two visionary women – Justice Joan Dempsey Klein and Justice Vaino Spencer – 100 brave and intrepid women judges met and formed an organization dedicated to the following ideals: ensuring equal justice and access to the courts for all including women, youth, the elderly, minorities, the underprivileged, and people with disabilities; providing judicial education on cutting-edge issues of importance; developing judicial leaders; increasing the number of women on the bench in order for the judiciary to more accurately reflect the role of women in a democratic society; and improving the administration of justice to provide gender-fair decisions for both male and female litigants.

From the day it was founded, NAWJ has been committed to diversity in our membership. Our organization welcomes both men and women. We include appellate, trial, tribal, administrative law judges, state and federal judges, and members from every state in the nation.

NAWJ takes pride in its accomplishments. We were at the forefront in the establishment and implementation of gender bias task forces in both federal and state courts. We have greatly advanced the administration of justice in areas of domestic violence, child support and child custody, and the treatment of women in the courts of America. We also are respected as a leader in educating judges on bioethics, elderly abuse, the sentencing of women offenders with substance abuse problems; improving conditions for women in prison; and the problems facing immigrants in our court system. Currently we are developing curricula on the effect of genetic advances on women and vulnerable populations, the impact of international law on state and federal courts, and cognitively disabled persons in criminal courts.

In addition to addressing these and other important issues, NAWJ provides an opportunity for judges to meet and discuss professional issues of mutual concern in a supportive atmosphere. Connecting with others with the same values, we laugh, enjoy life and mentor one another nationwide.

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