District Monthly News: August 2014


In This Issue:
President's Message
NAWJ has Moved! Find our New Address Below
DEADLINE EXTENDED: August 19 is the Last Day to Submit Nominations for 2014 NAWJ Awards
REGISTER TODAY for NAWJ's Annual Conference in San Diego, October 15-19, 2014, Keynote Speaker U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Book Now and Ensure Hotel Reservation
BOOK DRIVE: Support the California Institution for Women's Inmate Book Clubs
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Conversation to Celebrate Constitution Day September 12 in Washington, D.C., Click here
SAVE THE DATE: May 26-30, 2016, IAWJ Biennial Conference, Washington, D.C.
Human Trafficking and the State Courts Collaborative Releases Guide to Trafficking in the State Courts
Results of Survey of NAWJ Members on Human Trafficking Available Now
Help NAWJ Reach its Goal of 1,000 Twitter Followers, Click here and Follow
Breakthrough Miami: Florida Members Host Courtroom Visit of Middle School Students
Learn About NAWJ Activities Around the Country, Download the Latest Counterbalance
Iowa Awards Magistrate Judge Celeste Bremer its Cristine Wilson Medal for Equality and Justice
Calendar of Programs and Events
Dear Members and Friends!
August is well underway and soon the summer will be drawing to a close. This is the perfect time to once again say thank you to the dedicated and hard-working members of NAWJ and to our fantastic staff! This is also a good time to take stock of all the important work we have done so far this year through NAWJ. I have had the opportunity and pleasure of meeting with many of our members and partners across the country. I appreciate the creative, relevant outreach and educational programs that have been presented in each of NAWJ's 14 districts - thanks to our District Directors and State Chairs. Additionally, NAWJ's many committees such as human trafficking, women in prison, domestic violence and ethics, engage our members in important substantive discussions and work. NAWJ projects, such as the Informed Voters/Fair Judges Project, Color of Justice Program and others, continue to be vibrant and engaging. I am also very proud of the contributions of our dynamic Resource Board members to the work and programming of NAWJ. Several of the stars of our Resource Board are featured in the newest issue of NAWJ's Counterbalance magazine, which you will be receiving soon.
The ongoing work of our members and partners is vital to "Ensuring Access to Justice for All". As we watch the news of conflict around the world and right here at home, we are mindful of the critically important role that a fair, open, and independent judiciary plays in a democratic society. However, the weight and responsibility of the work we do in our respective courts and tribunals throughout the year, necessitates that we each take a little time to reflect, refresh, rest, and renew ourselves, so that we can give our best to the communities and people that we serve. I hope that in these last few weeks of summer that each of you will take a little time with family, friends and loved ones, to rejuvenate and fortify yourselves for the important work that lies ahead for each of us.
Thank you for all that you do for NAWJ, and for the communities that you serve.
Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby

New Address:
National Association of Women Judges
1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 1138
Washington, D.C. 20036
Telephone: (202) 393-0222 • Fax: (202) 393-0125

NAWJ Awards Committee Seeks Nominations
for Annual Hon. Joan Dempsey Klein Honoree of the Year Award
and Florence K. Murray Award
NAWJ Executive Committee and President to Consider Candidates for Mattie Belle Davis Award and Justice Vaino Spencer Leadership Award
The NAWJ Awards Committee requests nominations for the Honorable Joan Dempsey Klein Honoree of the Year Award and for the Florence K. Murray Award. Nominations will be accepted until the deadline of August 19, 2014. To assist you in nominating candidates for these two awards, click here for application guidelines for the KLEIN Award, and here for the MURRAY Award.
In addition, the Executive Committee and the President will respectively select 2014 honorees for the Mattie Belle Davis Award and the Justice Vaino Spencer Leadership Award. Click here to review guidelines for the Mattie Belle Davis and Justice Vaino Spencer Awards.
Awards will be given out during the 36th Annual Conference in San Diego, California.
View a list of previous awardees here.
Please submit completed nominations no later than August 19 to mkomisar@nawj.org by mail or fax to:
National Association of Women Judges
Attn: Hon. Barbara Madsen
1341 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20036-1834
Fax: 202-393-0125
Hon. Barbara Madsen, Washington Supreme Court, Chair
Hon. Diana Becton, Contra Costa County Superior Court, California
Hon. Marjorie Carter (Retired), California
Hon. Lisette Shirdan-Harris, Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, Pennsylvania
Hon. Bernette Johnson. Louisiana Supreme Court
Hon. Brenda Loftin (Retired), Missouri
Hon. Amy Nechtem, Massachusetts Juvenile Court

NAWJ 36th Annual Conference
Protecting and Advancing Meaningful Access to Justice
October 15-19, 2014 • San Diego, CA
The Westin Gaslamp Quarter
Download the Conference brochure here and share with friends.
Hon. Tamila E. Ipema • Hon. Margie G. Woods
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, U.S. Supreme Court
Janet Napolitano, President, University of California
Professor Anita F. Hill, Brandeis University
Professor Charles G. Ogletree, Jr., Harvard Law School
Tour of the International Border
Tour of an Unaccompanied Minor Children's Camp
Las Colinas Women's Detention Reentry Facility Tour
The San Diego Family Justice Center
Register online here, or download and fax this registration form.
Conference registration fees: 
$595 for NAWJ Members
$525 for Members who are First-Time Attendees
$695 for Non-Members Attendees
$575 Guest Rate (spouse and children of attendees)
Room Reservations: Click here or call (619) 239-2200.
NAWJ Rate: $219/night, plus applicable taxes, single or double occupancy
For more information contact:
Conference Chairs: Judge Tamila E. Ipema by email Tamila.Ipema@sdcourt.ca.gov
Judge Margie G. Woods by email Margie.Woods@sdcourt.ca.gov
Conference Manager: Mary Kathleen Todd by email mtodd@nawj.org.

California's Women in Prison Committee
invites your participation in a book drive for the
California Institution for Women
(Click here to view the Amazon Wishlist.)
NAWJ invites your support for this Women in Prison Committee book drive created in conjunction with the 2014 Annual Conference. The drive will benefit the library of the California Institution for Women (CIW) in Corona. CIW needs 50 copies of each title - Casting the First Stone by Kimberla Lawson Roby; Bad Childhood-Good Life, by Dr. Laura Schlessinger; and Raw & Naked, But Good, by Moesha McCaffe. The book drive will continue through the end of the year to give every NAWJ member a chance to participate.
Click here and take a moment to buy a book and support this drive. The Warden and Public Information would like to thank NAWJ for its support thus far. Its first book reading was a success, and there is a waiting list of women wanting to sign up for the book club. Let us know if you have purchased a book to be sent to CIW, and we will recognize you on the San Diego Annual Conference web page.
A shout out to California Superior Court Judge Jamoa Moberly, for her donation to the book drive. Don't forget – if you buy a book let us know who you are.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Conversation to Celebrate
Constitution Day September 12 in Washington, D.C.
Sixth Annual Capital City Celebration
featuring a constitutional conversation with 
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
On Friday September 12, the Constitutional Sources Project, the Institute for Constitutional History at the New York Historical Society, and the George Washington School of Law will celebrate Constitution Day (September 17) with a constitutional conversation including U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The Sixth Annual Capital City Constitution Day Celebration will take place Friday, September 12th from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm in the Lisner Auditorium of George Washington University, 730 21st Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20052.
Please RSVP to ConDay2014@consource.org.

Save the Date!
IAWJ 13th Biennial Conference
May 26-30, 2016
Washington, D.C. USA
The National Association of Women Judges is proud to host the
2016 IAWJ Biennial Conference in Washington, D.C.
Women Judges and the Rule of Law: Assessing the Past, Anticipating the Future

Human Trafficking and the State Courts Collaborative Releases the National Association
for Court Management Guide to Addressing Human Trafficking in the State Courts
An electronic version of the NACM Guide to Addressing Human Trafficking in the State Courts is now available on the Human Trafficking and the States Courts Collaborative website here (www.htcourts.org/guide-chapter1.htm). The HT Guide was produced by the HT Collaborative, an initiative funded by the State Justice Institute (SJI). A limited number of hard copies of the HT Guide are still available. Please contact Dr. David Price at dprice415@outlook.com to obtain a hard copy.
As a member of the HT Collaborative, the National Association of Women Judges (NAWJ) plays a critical role in the on-going effort to address human trafficking and also was instrumental in preparing the HT Guide. In particular, some of the guide's contents were initially developed and tested as part of NAWJ programs. Moreover, NAWJ members Judge Elizabeth Lee and Judge Dan Leigh Marks, along with Steve Weller from the Center For Public Policy Studies, co-authored a chapter of the HT Guide focused on "Ethical Issues for Judges and Court Practitioners in Human Trafficking Involved Cases." NAWJ Executive Director Marie Komisar contributed to the chapter on "Human Trafficking Educational Resources for Judges and Court Practitioners."
The HT Guide provides state court practitioners a comprehensive resource for:
clarifying the types and dynamics of sex and labor trafficking involving U.S. citizens and foreign nationals present in jurisdictions across the nation;
identifying how traffickers and victims might appear in different types of state court cases, including criminal, family, juvenile, child protection, ordinance violation, and civil cases;
accessing tools and guidelines for using the tools to help courts identify and process cases where trafficking is involved; and
accessing links to other resources to assist courts address trafficking related problems.
The HT Guide is being released by the HT collaborative in partnership with the National Association for Court Management (NACM). Its origins date back to early 2013 when the State Justice Institute provided initial funding to form the Human Trafficking and the State Courts Collaborative as one response to addressing the impacts of human trafficking on the state courts. The collaborative initially included the Center for Public Policy Studies (CPPS), the Center for Court Innovation (CCI) and the National Judicial College (NJC). Since then, the National Association of Women Judges, Legal Momentum, and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges have joined the Collaborative and all six organizations are now working to address the following strategic priorities:
increase understanding and awareness about the challenges faced by state courts in dealing with cases involving trafficking victims and their families, and traffickers;
develop and test state and local approaches for assessing and addressing the impact of human trafficking victims and defendants in the state courts;
enhance state and local court capacity to improve court services affected by human trafficking-related case processing demands; and
build effective national, state, and local partnerships for addressing the impacts of human trafficking case processing in the state courts.
For more information about the Human Trafficking and the State Courts Collaborative, visit www.htcourts.org.

Survey Results of NAWJ Members on Human Trafficking
In February 2014, NAWJ's Human Trafficking Subcommittee administered a survey to the NAWJ membership to learn about members' experiences. This short report (here) presents summary findings, and responses of members. The comments suggest that there is a wide range of activities taking place in jurisdictions across the nation to address the needs of human trafficking victims. Many of these activities are taking place within the broader justice system and not just within the courts. Read the entire summary here.

Breakthrough Miami
Judges Gladys Perez, Lisa Walsh Host Courtroom Visit of Middle School Students

In July, Florida State Chair Judge Gladys Perez and Vice President for Districts Judge Lisa Walsh hosted a courthouse visit for the students of Breakthrough Miami. Breakthrough Miami provides an academic enrichment program to ensure that motivated under-resourced middle school students have access to excellent high school opportunities, graduate from high school on time, and attend college. The students met judges, lawyers, bailiffs, and other court personnel. They participated in a mock trial and received a tour from the court historian.

Summer Issue of Counterbalance Available for Download Now
The latest issue of Counterbalance is available to download, click here. (You will receive a copy in the mail within the next few weeks.) Deadline for news and articles for the next issue is OCTOBER 19, 2014. Those interested in submitting material should do so by emailing all text and picture files to Lavinia Cousin at lcousin@nawj.org.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Celeste Bremer Awarded
Cristine Wilson Medal for Equality and Justice
The Honorable Celeste Bremer, U.S. Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of Iowa, will be awarded the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women's Cristine Wilson Medal for Equality and Justice at their annual Women's Equality Day event on August 23, 2014. This award was established in 1982 to honor Iowans whose life and work illustrate their service and dedication to equality and justice. The award is named after Cristine Swanson Wilson who was an Iowa pioneer, educated at Grinnell College, who taught school in New York before returning to Iowa. She was a tireless advocate who pushed for the establishment of the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women in 1972, and was a founding member of the Iowa Women's Political Caucus and the first woman to chair the Polk County Republican platform committee.
Judge Bremer joins an impressive list of Wilson Medal honorees that includes many familiar names and faces of men and women who have worked to support Iowa's founding principles of equality and justice.
Judge Bremer wrote 'Reducing Judicial Stress Through Mentoring,' the inaugural New Judges Corner article in Counterbalance, Winter 2012.
Congratulations to Judge Celeste Bremer!

Calendar of Programs and Events
On Monday, September 15 the New York Chapter of NAWJ will screen a documentary on the life of Judge Constance Baker Motley (September 14, 1921 - September 28, 2005). U.S. Courthouse located at 500 Pearl Street in New York City, NY.
NAWJ's 36th Annual Conference will take place October 15-19, 2014 at Westin Gaslamp Quarter in San Diego, California.
NAWJ will hold its 2015 Midyear Meeting and Leadership Conference from April 23-24, 2015 at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago, Illinois.
NAWJ will hold its 37th Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah from October 8-11, 2015.
The International Association of Women Judges Biennial will be hosted in the United States by the National Association of Women Judges (NAWJ) in Washington D.C. from May 26-29, 2016.

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