In This Issue:
Report of the President
REGISTER TODAY: IAWJ's 13th Biennial International Conference Hosted by NAWJ, Washington, D.C.
NAWJ Past President Cara Lee Neville Chairs American Bar Foundation's 60th Annual Fellows Awards Banquet on February 6, 2016 in San Diego
Informed Voters - Fair Judges Project (IVP) Produces Videos for Use in Fair Courts Presentations
GEICO Make Holiday Offer to Members
NAWJ 2015-16 Committee Chairs and Member Appointments
Calendar of Programs and Events
National Association of Women Judges
The Honorable Lisa Walsh
NAWJ President
Dear Members,
The holiday season is traditionally viewed as a time of renewal and rededication. We renew our sense of purpose and our commitments to ourselves and each other. We rededicate ourselves to our principles and to our craft. As judges, we rededicate ourselves to our profession, to being fair and open, to being prepared and focused, and to treating all who come before us with respect and patience. As colleagues, we renew our commitment to each other, to support our common interests, our goals, our NAWJ Mission and our fundamental purpose to ensure meaningful and equal access to all. We renew our roles as mentors and teachers to the generation that follows us. These are trying and difficult times, as we certainly see as judges and as lawyers, and it is especially fitting this year that we rededicate ourselves to the core purpose of our profession. As President, I rededicate myself to your service, to fulfilling the mission of NAWJ and to keeping her on an upward path toward securing the future for those she serves.
We are gearing up for our IAWJ Biennial Conference which will be held May 26-29, 2016 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel. The Biennial is themed "Women and the Rule of Law, Assessing the Past, Anticipating the Future," and will address issues which affect the fate of women, children and the judicial systems around the world. We expect attendance of over 700 judges from around the world, including our own American judges serving at every level of court. We are grateful for the support of our Supreme Court Justices for this historic endeavor. As NAWJ realizes this position of international significance and prominence, it is critical that we have a large presence representing NAWJ and the United States. And that is where you come in. Early bird registration closes at the end of the year. Please register today. To register for the IAWJ Biennial at reduced rates, please click here. Please join us for what will surely be an historic, one of a kind, life-altering experience with our sisters from around the world.
With this Newsletter, I am happy to share the 2015-16 assignment of committee chairs and members. Thank you to all our NAWJ members who have generously volunteered their time and talents to serve the many important committees and programs of NAWJ. In making these assignments, I have taken into account diversity, geographic location, longevity on a committee, leadership skill, bringing in new members and fresh perspectives, and balance of committee size. For committee assignments to the IAWJ Biennial Conference, please contact the committee chairs directly. I also want to take the time to thank the committee members and leaders who served so ably under the leadership of our Past President, Judge Julie Frantz in the 2014-2015 year.
Along with Committee work, NAWJ Projects are moving at a fast clip. Led by Judges Brenda Murray (DC) and Betty Williams (NY), The Women in Prison Project continues to advocate against the disparate treatment of women offenders held in state and federal prisons, as well as work on programming to improve their treatment, reduce recidivism, and improve reunification of families. Just this week, the New York Times published this editorial detailing the inequitable treatment of women prisoners. The Women in Prison Project has put on two symposia addressing the needs of women prisoners in Mission Creek, Washington and Eagle River, Alaska, led by Justice Susan Owens (WA), Judge Marilyn Paja (WA), and Justice Dana Fabe (AK). For news coverage of the Eagle Run, Alaska Success Inside and Out Symposium, click here.
The Informed Voters Project has created multiple materials for the education of voters on the importance of an impartial judiciary. In recent news, IVP created materials for use in Constitution day programs and ABOTA published an article supporting the principles of IVP which may be viewed here. Most recently, Co-Chair of the Judicial Independence Committee, Justice Barbara Pariente (FL) and Annette Boyd Pitts created three videos (see below) for use in fair courts presentations.
Looking forward to a robust and exciting year, I strongly encourage you to think about ways to boost NAWJ programming in your jurisdiction, to consider creating new programs to better the mission of NAWJ, and to join with us in national attendance at our IAWJ Biennial Conference May 2016 and our 38th Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington October 5-9, 2016. At our national conferences, we fully experience the unparalleled collegiality of NAWJ. NAWJ is an equalizer that allows us to interact simply at colleagues, without barriers or formality, to work together to achieve ways to better our profession, to strengthen the judiciary, to diversify our bench and bar and to achieve a more just and fair society.
I rededicate myself to service to you, and look forward to an exciting new year in NAWJ.
Sincerely yours,
Lisa Walsh
President, NAWJ
11th Judicial Circuit, Miami-Dade, Florida
November 6, 2015 Keynote Speaker, Palm Beach Florida Association for Women Lawyers, Kravis Center, West Palm Beach, Florida
November 19, 2015 "Securing the Future for Women and Girls," Miami-Dade Florida Association for Women Lawyers. Miami History Museum, Miami, Florida
December 10, 2015 Induction of Justice Tanya Kennedy, Justice of the Supreme Court of New York, New York County Courthouse, New York
IAWJ's 13th Biennial International Conference
"Women Judges and the Rule of Law: Assessing the Past, Anticipating the Future"
Hosted by the National Association of Women Judges
Washington DC, USA
May 26-29, 2016
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES: $895 for IAWJ Members* ($850 Early bird rate until December 31, 2015) $500 Guest Rate I and $250 Guest Rate II More information and registration here:
ROOM RESERVATIONS: Omni Shoreham Hotel (202) 234-0700 • Conference Rate: $189/night, plus 14.5% tax
For More Information Contact: Conference Chairs: Hon. Carolyn Temin at, or Hon. Jane Craney at
American Bar Foundation
60th Annual Fellows Awards Reception and Banquet
Saturday, February 6, 2015
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
San Diego Natural History Museum
Balboa Park, 1788 El Prado
Featuring Keynote Speaker: Linda Hirshman, Lawyer, Cultural Historian
Link to all our events at Midyear:
NAWJ Past President Honorable Cara Lee T. Neville (Ret.) is the Chair of The Fellows. (Click here for more information.) Judge Neville is immediate past Secretary of the ABA, served two terms on the ABA's Board of Governors, has served as a member of the House of Delegates for more than 25 years, and served on the ABA Nominating Committee as State Delegate from Minnesota. She currently serves on the councils for the ABA Center for Human Rights, International Law, and the Trial, Torts, and Insurance Sections. She chaired the Coordinating Council of the ABA Justice Center, Coalition for Justice, and the ABA's Criminal Justice Section.
Judge Neville has nominated NAWJ for the ABA's Judicial Division's Burnham "Hod" Greeley Award. The award was established to recognize individuals and organizations dedicated to promoting increased public awareness of the need for a fair and impartial judiciary. The Award is named in honor of the late Hawaii attorney Burnham "Hod" Greeley. He was a dedicated leader within the American Bar Association and was committed to promoting public trust and confidence in our justice system. Click here for more information on the Award.
The 10th annual presentation of the Award will take place during the Judicial Division Welcome Breakfast at the 2016 ABA Midyear Meeting in San Diego, CA.
Good Luck to NAWJ!
Informed Voters - Fair Judges Project (IVP) Produces Videos
for Use in Fair Courts Presentations
Florida State Co-Chair Justice Barbara Pariente, along with another San Diego Conference panelist, Annette Boyd Pitts, produced for the NAWJ's Informed Voters-Fair Judges Project the following video clips for use in members' fair courts presentations:
A Fair and Impartial Judiciary: Segment 1
A Fair and Impartial Judiciary: Segment 2
A Fair and Impartial Judiciary: Segment 3
Click on each segment for view. For more information contact:
Annette Boyd Pitts, Executive Director •
The Florida Law Related Education Association, Inc
2930 Kerry Forest Parkway, Suite 202
Tallahassee, Florida 32309 •
Landmark Sponsor GEICO Holiday Offer
Part of NAWJ and GEICO's partnership will provide insurance discounts to NAWJ members. Contact GEICO for a free quote on auto insurance to see how much you could be saving. And, don't forget to mention your NAWJ affiliation; you could qualify for an exclusive member savings opportunity. Visit (special portal here) or call 1-800-368-2734 for your free rate quote. GEICO can also help you find great rates on homeowners, renters, motorcycle insurance, and more.
2015-2016 NAWJ Committee Assignments
Committee Chairs Coordinator: Hon. Diana Becton (CA)
Co-Chairs: Hon. Emily Chafa (IA), Hon. Michelle McGovern (IA)
Hon. Claudia Barber (MD)
Hon. Ann Breen-Greco
Hon. Joan Churchill (MD)
Hon. Jennifer Gee (CA)
Hon. Carol King (CA)
Hon. Margaret Mangan (DC)
Hon. Bobbie McCartney (DC)
Hon. June McKinney
Hon. J.E. Sullivan (DC)
Hon. Rhonda Thompson (NY)
Hon. Theresa Timlin
Hon. Erin Worth (DC)
Chair: Hon. Debra Stephens (WA)
Member: Betsy Levin (DC/Ret/Prof)
Annual Conference Planning (Seattle)
Chair: Hon. Susan Owens
Hon. Karen Donohue
Hon. Mary E. Fairhurst
Hon. Barbara A. Madsen Hon. Sheryl Gordon McCloud
Hon. Debra Stephens
Co-Chairs: Hon. Denise Owens (MS), Hon. Sandra Robinson (NJ)
Hon. Blackburne-Rigsby (DC)
Hon. Julie Frantz (OR)
Hon. Marcella Holland (MD)
Hon. Tanya Kennedy (NY) Hon. Marjorie Rasmussen (CA)
Hon. Ariane Vuono (MA)
Hon. Lisa Walsh (FL)
Chair: Hon. Amy Nechtem (MA)
Hon. Claudia Barber (MD)
Hon. Diana Becton (CA)
Hon. Diana Eagon (FL)
Hon. Dana Fabe (AK) Hon. Brenda Loftin (MO)
Hon. Barbara Madsen (WA)
Hon. Vanessa Ruiz (DC)
Chair: Hon. Julie Frantz (OR)
Hon. Ann Walsh Bradley (WI)
Hon. Toni Clarke (MD)
Hon. Ariane Vuono (MA)
Hon. Barbara Zúñiga (CA)
Chair: Hon. Jennifer Gee (CA)
Hon. Diana Becton (CA)
Hon. D'Metria Benson (TX)
Hon. Marjorie Carter (CA)
Hon. Diana Eagon (FL)
Hon. Julie M. Frantz (OR) Hon. Teresa Guerrero-Daley (CA)
Hon. Marla Moore (GA)
Hon. Karen Romano (IA)
Hon. Julia Weatherly (MD)
Co-Chairs: Hon. Ellen Siwak (MO) and Hon. Bernadette D'Souza (LA)
Hon. Alice A. Bruno
Hon. Ann Butchart (PA)
Hon. Michele Christiansen
Hon. Danielle Douglas
Hon. Ellar Duff (IL)
Hon. Teresa Guerrero-Daly (CA)
Hon. Rachel Kretser (NY)
Hon. Barbara Madsen (WA)
Ms. Marla Moore (GA/SCA)
Hon. Wendy Morton (AZ)
Ms. Lynn Schafran (NY/ED)
Hon. Julie Silverbrook (DC)
Hon. Donald Walko, Jr. (PA)
Hon. Darlene White (CA)
Chair: Hon. Tam Nomoto Schumann (CA)
Hon. Claudia Barber (DC)
Hon. Laura Halgren (CA)
Hon. Patricia Hurst (RI)
Hon. Barbara McAuliffe (CA)
Hon. Judy McConnell
Hon. Patricia McInerney (PA)
Hon. Betty Moore (TN)
Hon. Pamela Parker (CA)
Hon. Stephanie Sontag (CA)
Hon. Patricia Wise (MS)
Co-Chairs: Hon. Tamila Ipema (CA) and Hon. Kathy King (NY)
Hon. Lori Andrus
Hon. Karen Ashby (CO)
Hon. Claudia Barber (DC)
Hon. Holly Fujie (CA)
Hon. Diana Horan (MA)
Hon. Carol King (CA)
Hon. Rachel Kretser
Hon. Patricia McInemey (PA) Hon. Jamoa Moberly
Hon. Ruth Montenegro (CA)
Hon. Pamela Parker (CA)
Hon. Terrie Roberts (CA)
Hon. Beatriz Santiago (IL)
Hon. Meenu Sasser (FL)
Hon. Lynn Schafran (NY)
Co-Chairs: Hon. Mary Schroeder (AZ) and Hon. Colleen Brown (VT)
Hon. Claudia Barber (DC)
Hon. Bernice Donald (OH)
Hon. Laurel Isicoff (FL)
Hon. Carol King (CA)
Hon. Laura Taylor (CA)
Ms. Harriet Wesig (OH)
Chair: Hon. Ariane Vuono (MA)
Hon. Phyllis Flug (NY)
Hon. Julie Frantz (OR)
Hon. Marcella Holland (MD) Hon. Barbara Madsen (WA)
Hon. Lisa Walsh (FL)
Chair: Hon. Anna Blackburne-Rigsby (DC)
Hon. Sherrie Krauser (MD)
Chair: Hon. Elizabeth Lee
ABA Liason: Hon. Ann Breen Greco
Hon. Diane Atamirano (CA)
Hon. Cynthia Bashant (CA)
Hon. Beverly Cutler (AK)
Hon. Sally Kader (NY)
Hon. Pennie McLaughlin (CA)
Hon. Marla Moor (GA)
Hon. Brandy Mueller (TX) Hon. Kerri Anne Oliverie (Trinidad)
Hon. Arline Pacht (MD)
Hon. Charmaine Pemberton (Trinidad)
Hon. Marisa Robertson (Trinidad)
Hon. Mimi Tsankov (CO)
Hon. Renee Works (MI)
Co-Chairs: Hon. Carolyn Temin (NY) and Hon. Jane Craney (IN)
Advisory Council:
Hon. Anna Blackburne-Rigsby (DC)
Hon. Julie Frantz (OR)
Hon. Gladys Kessler (CA)
Hon. Amy Nechtem (MA) Hon. Vanessa Ruiz (DC)
Hon. Ann Bradley Walsh (WI)
Hon. Lisa Walsh (FL)
Chair: Hon. Joan Churchill (DC)
Hon. Victoria Ghartey (FL)
Hon. Patricia Hurst (RI)
Hon. Tamila Ipema (CA)
Hon. Carol King
Hon. Dana Marks (CA)
Hon. Renee Renner (CA)
International Director: Hon. Ann Walsh Bradley
Chair: Hon. Joan Churchill
Conference Scholarships:
Chair: Hon. Judith Chirlin
Hon. Katherine Hansen (MI)
Hon. Patricia Hurst (RI) Hon. Mary Vasaly (MN)
International Courts:
Chair: Hon. Linda Murnane (Netherlands)
Hon. Victoria Ghartey (FL)
Hon. Teresa Guerrero-Daley (CA)
Hon. Andrea Harnett (DC)
Hon. Arline Pacht (MD)
Hon. Carol Pietsch (DC)
Hon. Mimi Tsankov (CO)
Hon. Karen M. Uplinger
Hon. Darlene White (CA)
Judicial Exchanges:
Chair: Hon. Teresa Guerrro-Daly (CA)
Ms. Cynthia Bashant (CA)
Hon. D'Metria Benson
Hon. Andrea Harnett (DC)
Hon. Tamila Ipema (CA)
Hon. Pennie McLaughlin (CA)
Hon. Jamoa Moberly (CA)
Hon. Carolyn Nichols (PA)
Hon. Coral Pietch (DC)
Hon. Joan Shkane (NY)
Hon. Mary Vasaly (MN)
Mexican Judges:
Chair: Hon. Barbara Zúñiga (CA)
Hon. Diane Altamirano (CA)
Hon. Ruth Montenegro (CA)
Hon. Orlinda Naranjo (TX)
Hon. Carolyn Nichols (PA)
Hon. Rebecca Palomo (TX)
Hon. Marjorie Woods (CA)
Chair: Ms. Lynn Schafran (NY/ED)
Hon. Joan Shane (NY)
Hon. Beverly Cutler (AK)
Co-Chairs: Hon. Cindy Lederman, Prof. Vicki Jackson, Prof. Judith Resnik
Hon. Lucy Billings (NY)
Hon. Danielle Douglas (CA)
Hon. Erica Franklin (VA)
Hon. Anita Josey-Herring (DC)
Hon. Betsy Levin (DC)
Fleur Lobree (FL) Hon. Jamoa Moberly (CA)
Hon. Wendy Morton (AZ)
Hon. Denise Owens (MS)
Hon. Sheri Roman (NY)
Harriet Wesig (CA)
Co-Chairs: Hon. Barbara Pariente (FL), Hon. Robin Hudson (NC)
Informed Voter-Fair Judges Project Chair: Linda Leali (FL)
Hon. Ann Butchart (PA)
Hon. Emily Chafa (IA)
Hon. Ellar Duff (IL)
Hon. Patricia Hurst (RI)
Hon. Carol King (CA)
Hon. Lena Levario
Prof. Betsy Levin (DC)
Hon. Bobbie McCartney (DC)
Hon. Ruth Montenegro (CA)
Hon. Pamela Parker (CA)
Hon. Darryl Peek (CA)
Ms. Julie Silverbrook (DC)
Hon. Tracy Parker-Warren
Ms. Harriet Wesig (CA)
Co-Chairs: Hon. Amy Nechtem (MA) and Hon. Cathy Serrette (MD)
Hon. Margaret Alfonso (MS)
Hon. Karen Ashby (CO)
Hon. Angela F. Fonnesbeck (UT)
Hon. Sally Kader (NY)
Hon. Sherrie Krauser
Hon. Fleur Lobree (FL)
Hon. Darleen Ortega (OR)
Hon. Barbara Pariente
Co-Chairs: Hon. Diane Becton (CA) and Elaine Metlin (DC)
Hon. Lisa M. Fisher (NY)
Co-Chairs: Hon. Tamila Ipema (CA) and Hon. Marilyn Paja (WA)
Hon. Karen Donahue (WA)
Hon. Erica Franklin
Hon. Holly Fujie (LA)
Hon. Jamoa Moberly (CA) Hon. Heidi Pasichow (DC)
Hon. Joan Shkane (NY)
Harriet Wesig (OH)
Military Courts:
Chair: Hon. Kirsten Brunson (NC)
Tribal Courts:
Chair: Hon. Katherine Hansen (MI)
Hon. Joan Churchill (DC)
Hon. Arline Pacht (MD) Hon. Susan Owens (WA)
Co-Chairs: Hon. Linda Murnane (Netherlands), Hon. Kirsten Brunson (NC)
Hon. Tara Osborn (CA)
Hon. Bethany Payton-O'Brien (CA)
Hon. Renee Renner (CA)
Hon. Erin Worth (DC)
Chair Hon. Jamoa Moberly (CA)
Hon. Sharon Bernadette Majors-Lewis (CA)
Hon. Beverly Cutler (AK)
Hon. Erica Franklin
Hon. Madelyn Fudeman (PA)
Hon. Jennifer Gee (CA)
Hon. Sherrie Krauser
Hon. Simone Marstiller (CA)
Hon. Barbara McAuliffe (FL)
Hon. Rebecca Palomo (TX)
Hon. Pamela Parker (CA)
Hon. Alexandra Smoots-Hogan
Hon. Patricia Wise (DC)
Chair Hon. Julie Frantz (OR)
Hon. Anna Blackburne-Rigsby (DC)
Hon. Bernice Donald (OH)
Hon. Nan Duffly (MA)
Hon. Dana Fabe (AK)
Hon. Marcella Holland (MD)
Hon. Gladys Kessler (CA) Hon. Brendan Loftin (MO)
Hon. Judith McConnell (CA)
Hon. Amy Nechtem (MA)
Hon. Vanessa Ruiz (DC)
Hon. Bea Ann Smith (TX)
Chair: Hon. Joan Dempsey Klein (CA)
Hon. Anna Blackburne-Rigsby
Hon. Judith Billings
Hon. Marjorie Carter
Hon. Joan Churchill
Hon. Martha Doughtery
Hon. Bernice Donald
Hon. Fernande Duffly
Hon. Christine Durham
Hon. Betty Ellerin
Hon. Dana Fabe
Hon. Julie Frantz
Hon. Gina Hale
Hon. Sophia Hall
Hon. Noel Kramer
Hon. Gladys Kessler
Hon. Cindy Lederman
Hon. Brenda Loftin
Hon. La Tia Martin
Hon. Judith McConnell
Hon. Karla Moskowitz
Hon. Brenda Murray
Hon. Amy Nechtem
Hon. Cara Lee Neville
Hon. Vanessa Ruiz
Hon. Mary Schroeder
Hon. Bea Ann Smith
Hon. Carolyn Temin
Hon. Sandra Thompson
Hon. Clarice Williams
Hon. Barbara Zúñiga
Chair: Hon. Joy Lobrano (LA)
Hon. Diana Becton (CA)
Hon. Anna Blackburne-Rigsby (DC)
Hon. Dana Fabe (AK)
Hon. Julie Frantz (OR)
Hon. Marcella Holland (MD)
Hon. Lisa Walsh (FL)
Chair: Hon. Marcella Holland (MD)
Hon. Dana Fabe (AK)
Hon. Joy Cossack Lobrano (LA)
Hon. Brenda Loftin (MO) Hon. Jamoa Moberly (CA)
Hon. Heather Welch (IN)
Chair: Hon. Karen Romano (IA)
Hon. Claudia Barber
Hon. Terry Fox (CO) Hon. Michelle Hollar-Gregory (NJ)
Chair: Hon. Joan Churchill (MD)
Hon. Marjorie Carter (CA)
Hon. Cheryl Cesario
Hon. Joan Churchill (MD)
Hon. Beverly Cutler (AK)
Hon. Ellar Duff (IL)
Hon. Diana Eagon (FL)
Hon. Phyllis Flug (NY) Hon. Lisa Foster (CA)
Hon. Andrea Harnett (DC)
Hon. Leila Kern
Hon. Lauren Mathon (AZ)
Hon. Sharon Mettler
Hon. Marjorie Rasmussen (CA)
Chair: Hon. Beverly Cutler (AK)
Hon. Michelle Rick (MI)
Chair: Hon. Anna Blackburne-Rigsby (DC)
Hon. Toni Clarke (MD)
Hon. Dana Fabe (AK)
Hon. Julie Frantz (OR)
Hon. Brenda Loftin (MO) Hon. Elaine Metlin (DC)
Hon. Jamoa Moberly (CA)
Hon. Lisa Walsh (FL)
Chair:Hon. Amy Nechtem (MA)
Hon. Diana Becton (CA)
Hon. Anna Blackburne-Rigsby (DC)
Hon. Marcella Holland (MD) Hon. Tanya Kennedy (NY)
Hon. Ariane Vuono (MA)
WEBSITE (Ad Hoc Appointment)
Project Manager: Hon. Karen Donohue (WA)
Co-Chairs: Hon. Brenda Murray (DC) and Hon. Betty Williams (NY)
Hon. Cynthia Bashant (CA)
Hon. Tanya Brinkley (FL)
Hon. Beverly Cutler (AK)
Hon. Marion Gaston (CA)
Hon. Katherine Hansen (MI)
Hon. Jill Johanson (WA)
Hon. Judith McConnell (CA)
Hon. Barbara McAuliffe (CA)
Hon. Pennie McLaughlin (CA)
Hon. Rebecca Palomo (TX)
Hon. Terrie Roberts (CA)
Ms. Lynn Schafran (CA)
Hon. Stephanie Sontag (CA)
Hon. Rhonda Tomlinson (NY)
Hon. Mary Vasaly (MN)
Hon. Renee Worke (MN)
Calendar of Programs and Events
The International Association of Women Judges Biennial will be hosted in the United States by the National Association of Women Judges in Washington D.C. from May 26-29, 2016.
NAWJ 37th Annual Conference will take place in Seattle, Washington from October 5-9, 2016 at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel.