The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) by attorneys is growing and is here to stay. Lawyers must be aware of GenAI, how to use it, and where the ethical lines are. There are ethics considerations with using, overusing, underusing, and avoiding GenAI. The ABA has adopted resolutions on AI addressing issues for lawyers, law firms, vendors, software developers. and other AI stakeholders. This session will explore these ethics considerations, including the application of ABA Model Rules 1.1, 1.1 comment 8, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 5.1, 5.3. It will also review current ABA Formal Opinion 512 and state developments on AI. This session will also describe the GenAI and AI tools available to lawyers along with the capabilities and designs delivering a functional understanding of the artificial intelligence tools.
Learning objectives:
a. Ethical Implications and the model ABA rules impacted by the use of GenAI.
b. State responses in the form of adopted guidelines for the ethical rules that are implicated in the use of GenAI.