NAWJ is committed to diversity in its membership and welcomes both men and women, as well as judicial clerks, attorneys and law students. NAWJ members include federal, state, tribal, military and administrative law judges at both the appellate and trial levels from every state in the nation. Everyone who shares NAWJ’s vision of justice for all is welcome to membership. Below is what our members say about NAWJ.
Persons seeking to become a member of NAWJ can:
P.O. Box 3363
Warrenton, VA 20188
As a member of NAWJ, you will enjoy opportunities to connect with others who share your goals and concerns. NAWJ provides a unique forum for members to enrich their professional lives, network, stay up-to-date on issues affecting the judiciary, and contribute to social justice. As an NAWJ member you can:
Sitting Judge members currently hold judicial positions. They may vote, hold office, and share in all the privileges of membership.
Retired judge members include those who have taken senior status. They may vote, hold office, and share in all the privileges of membership.
Life Members are current or retired judges who make a one time financial contribution, and are not obligated to pay future dues.
Associate members are those who hold judicial positions not requiring bar membership (e.g., Municipal Judges in some states.) They share in all the privileges of membership, but may not vote or hold office.
Amicus Judicii members are friends of NAWJ. This includes attorneys and other individuals who support NAWJ goals. They receive NAWJ mailings and publications, and share in all other privileges of membership, except are ineligible to vote or hold office.
Law Clerk and Law Student members receive NAWJ mailings and publications, and share in all other privileges of membership, except are ineligible to vote or hold office.
Any organization may receive a copy of NAWJ's newsletter and other mailings upon payment of the annual subscriber fee set by the Board of Directors.
Life Member - $3,0001
Sitting Judge - $255
Associate Member - $220
Retired Judge - $220
Amicus Judicii - $220
Law Clerk - $80
Law Student - $35
Subscriber - $50
First Time New Member (Sitting Judge) - $170
First Time New Member (Associate, Amicus Judicii, Retired) - $150
1. One-time only fee or may be made in 3 annual installments.
Current NAWJ members, click here to renew your membership.