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Committee Reports from October 2024 (Annual Conference)
Committee Reports from April 2024 (Midyear)
Committee Reports from October 2023 (Annual Conference)
Committee Reports from April 2023 (Midyear)
Committee Reports from October 2022 (Annual Conference)
Committee Reports from March 2022 (Midyear)
Committee Reports from October 2021 (Annual Conference)
Committee Reports from April 2021 (Midyear)


The Administrative Judiciary committee ensures that administrative law judges at all levels are included and reflected in all aspects of NAWJ membership, leadership, networking, and educational programming.  The committee also ensures that proposed legislation and other issues impacting Administrative Judiciaries are fully addressed by the Executive Committee, Board of Directors.

Committee Chairs:

Hon. Susan Lois Formaker, Office of Administrative Hearings

Hon. Theresa Timlin, U.S. Department of Labor


Hon. Francine Applewhite, DOL/OALJ
Hon. Dania Ayoubi, Maryland Office of Administrative Hearings
Hon. Tannisha Bell, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Hon. Ann Breen-Greco, Independent Administrative Judiciary Professional
Hon. Emily Gould Chafa, State of Iowa, Retired
Hon. Joan Churchill, Immigration Judge, Retired
Hon. Gwenlynn D'Souza, D.C. Department of Employment Services
Hon. Beth Goldstein, Alaska Office of Administrative Hearings
Hon. Syeetah Hampton-EL, Office of Administrative Hearings
Hon. Carol A. King, Immigration Judge, Retired
Hon. Margaret Mangan, D.C. Office of Administrative Hearings
Hon. Michelle A. McGovern, Iowa Division of Workers' Compensation, Retired
Hon. Melissa Olivero, National Labor Board
Hon. Emily Cameron Shattil, Social Security Administration, Retired
Hon. Gail Sheridan-Lucht, State of Iowa, Retired
Hon. Erin Masson Wirth, Federal Maritime Commission 


The Conference Site Selection committee researches, works with local NAWJ leaders, and recommends and secures agreement for the Board for future venues for the Annual Conference.

Committee Chair:

Hon. Marcella Holland, Circuit Court for Baltimore City, Maryland


Ms. Claudia Barber, City of Annapolis
Hon. Judi Calhoun, Delaware Circuit Court #1
Hon. Emily Gould Chafa, State of Iowa, Retired
Hon. Julie Frantz, Multnomah County Circuit Court
Hon. Jamoa Moberly, ADR Services
Hon. Theresa Timlin, U.S. Department of Labor


The Audit and Compliance Committee recommends policies and processes to the board related to financial information provided to government bodies and the public. The committee reviews the independent audit/review of the annual returns (IRS Form 990, related schedules, and forms) to ensure the integrity of the audit process. Once the process is complete the committee recommends the audit/review for approval, signature, and submission by the president. The committee also ensures that reports are received, monitored, and distributed correctly.


Hon. Patrice Ball-Reed, Circuit Court of Cook County


Hon. Marcella Holland, Circuit Court for Baltimore City, Maryland


The Awards committee elects recipients of the Honoree of the Year Joan Dempsey Klein Award, the Florence K. Murray Award, and the Justice Vaino Spencer Leadership Award.

Committee ChairS:

Hon. Marcella Holland, Circuit Court for Baltimore City, Maryland


Hon. Judi Calhoun, Delaware Circuit Court #1
Hon. Julie Frantz, Multnomah County Circuit Court
Hon. Delissa (Lisa) Ridgway, U.S. Court of International Trade
Ms. Cathy Winter-Palmer, CWP & Associates


The Bylaws Committee provides the Board of Directors with advice to the history, interpretation, and meaning of the bylaws, prepares and drafts new and amended bylaws for the Board’s consideration, and advises the Board on the application of bylaws.

Committee ChairS:

Hon. Karen Donohue, King County Superior Court


Hon. Marjorie Carter, California Superior Court, Orange County, Retired
Hon. Judith McConnell, Court of Appeal, California
Hon. Linda Murnane, High Court Republic of the Marshall Islands


This Standing Committee serves to build diversity and inclusion within NAWJ, its Districts, Resource Board, and the judicial community. The objective and commitment of this committee will be to encourage NAWJ leadership, its Districts, and active members to promote diversity and inclusion within the organization and its programming by requiring full and equal participation of lawyers and judges across the spectrum of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliations and disability status.


Hon. Francine L. Applewhite, Department of Labor

Hon. Lisa Martin, 34th District Court, Michigan


Hon. Selena Alvarenga, 460th Travis County
Hon. Marcine Anderson, King County District Court
Hon. Yvette Ayala Henderson, Fort Majave Indian Tribe
Hon. Dania Ayoubi, Maryland Office of Administrative Hearings
Hon. Patrice Ball-Reed, Circuit Court of Cook County
Hon. Carol Berry, Phoenix Municipal Court, Retired
Hon. Ann Breen-Greco, Independent Administrative Judiciary Professional
Hon. Helen Brown-Bryant, Boston Juvenile Court
Hon. Emily Gould Chafa, State of Iowa, Retired
Hon. Pamela Dashiell, Massachusetts Trial Court
Hon. Julie Gafkay, 10th Circuit Court, Saginaw County
Hon. Sylvia Hanna, Tulare County Superior Court
Hon. Nicola Henry-Taylor, Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas
Hon. Janine Highiet, Stanislaus Superior Court
Hon. Claudine James, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Hon. Victoria Kolakowski, Alameda County Superior Court
Hon. Nghana Lewis, 40th Judicial District Court, Division B
Hon. Shayla Marshall, Kansas City Municipal Court
Hon. Miki McGovern, Iowa Division of Workers' Compensation
Hon. Charisse Mullen, Newport News General District Court
Hon. Linda Murnane, High Court Republic of the Marshall Islands
Hon. Beverly Nash, D.C. Office of Administrative Hearings
Hon. Bianka Perez, Supreme Court, Bronx County Civil Term
Hon. Yasmine Poles, 6th Circuit, Michigan
Hon. Dawn Rogers, Harris County 334th Civil District Court
Hon. Maria Salas-Mendoza, 120th Judicial District Court
Ms. Patricia Taitano-Valdovinos, San Diego County Primary Public Defender
Hon. Sherry Thompson-Taylor, San Diego Superior Court
Hon. Julia Weatherly, Circuit Court for Prince George's County, Maryland
Hon. Mary Dacey White, Brookline District Court, Retired


The Domestic Violence committee explores, develops, and presents NAWJ judicial educational programs relating to issues of domestic violence.

Committee Chairs:

Hon. Sherri Tibbe, 453rd District Court


Hon. Judi Calhoun, Delaware Circuit Court #1
Hon. Ernestine Gray, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court
Hon. Sylvia Hanna, Tulare County Superior Court
Hon. Nicola Henry-Taylor, Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas
Hon. Sandra Jenkins, Louisiana Court of Appeal, Fourth Circuit
Hon. Danielle Jose-Decker, Sullivan County Court
Hon. Carmen Kcomt, Superior Court of Justice - Peru, Retired
Hon. Dana Kenworthy, Indiana Court of Appeals
Hon. Katherine Lybrand, Alaska Court System
Hon. Patricia Lynch, Reno Justice Court
Hon. Hilleri Merritt, Los Angeles Superior Court
Hon. Lori Morgan, Allen Superior Court
Lynn Schafran, Esq., Legal Momentum
Hon. Janine Simonian, Chicopee District Court


The Ensuring Racial Equity in the Justice System committee seeks to educate its members and the general public about how racial inequity can manifest itself in the judicial system and works towards identifying specific steps through which courts can remedy the inequity. 

Committee Chair:

Hon. Vickie Henry, Massachusetts Appeals Court

Ms. Patricia Taitano-Valdovinos, San Diego County Primary Public Defender


Hon. Marcine Anderson, King County District Court
Hon. Dania Ayoubi, Maryland Office of Administrative Hearings
Hon. Alison Bachus, U.S. District Court
Hon. Carol Berry, Phoenix Municipal Court, Retired
Hon. Ann Breen-Greco, Independent Administrative Judiciary Professional
Hon. Ernestine Gray, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court
Hon. Sylvia Hanna, Tulare County Superior Court
Hon. Vivian Henderson, Virginia Beach General District Court
Hon. Nicola Henry-Taylor, Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas
Hon. Claudine James, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Hon. Sandra C. Jenkins, Louisiana Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal
Hon. David Keenan, King County Superior Court
Hon. Kimberly Kurkjian, Newport News Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court
Hon. Nghana Lewis, 40th Judicial District Court, Division B
Hon. Lisa Martin, 34th District Court
Hon. Arose Neilsen, Juvenile Court, Hampden County
Hon. Mary Beth Ogulewicz, District Court of Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Hon. Bianka Perez, Supreme Court, Bronx County Civil Term
Ms. Janelle Price, Price Legal Practice
Hon. Dawn Rogers, Harris County 334th Civil District Court
Hon. Renee Stackhouse, San Diego County Superior Court
Hon. Sherry Thompson-Taylor, San Diego Superior Court
Hon. Elizabeth Welch, Michigan Supreme Court


The Ethics committee identifies, researches, and provides guidance on ethical questions and serves as a resource to members seeking information on ethical issues. The committee also researches and provides recommendations to the NAWJ Board of Directors regarding ethical issues deemed appropriate by the Board for comment or recommendation.

Committee Chair:

Hon. Toni Clarke, 7th Judicial Circuit Court for Prince George's County, Maryland

Hon. Dana Fabe, Alaska Supreme Court


Hon. Bernice Donald, United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
Hon. Karen Donohue, King County Superior Court
Hon. Vanessa Ruiz, District of Columbia Court of Appeals
Hon. Mary Schroeder, U.S. Court of Appeals


The Fairness and Access Committee recommends steps necessary to ensure diversity in the justice system primarily with respect to women, but also as to people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and other underrepresented communities, and ensures that the system provides fair and equal access, opportunity and treatment to all sectors of the community.

Committee Chairs:

Hon. Maria Salas-Mendoza, 120th Judicial District Court

Ms. Patricia Taitano-Valdovinos, San Diego County Primary Public Defender


Hon. Yvette Ayala Henderson, Fort Mojave Indian Tribe
Hon. Dania Ayoubi, Maryland Office of Administrative Hearings
Hon. Tannisha Bell, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Hon. Julie Bernard, Massachusetts Trial Court
Hon. Courtney Boehm, 8th Judicial District, Geary County
Ms. Jodi Cleesattle, California Department of Justice
Hon. Wende Cross, Hamilton County Common Pleas Court
Hon. Ernestine Gray, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court
Ms. Deborah Greenspan, Blank Rome LLP
Hon. Sylvia Hanna, Tulare County Superior Court
Hon. Nicola Henry-Taylor, Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas
Hon. Victoria Kolakowski, Alameda County Superior Court
Hon. Kimberly Kurkjian, Newport News Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court
Hon. Nghana Lewis, 40th Judicial District Court, Division B
Hon. Katherine Lybrand, Alaska Court System
Hon. Charisse Mullen, Newport News General District Court
Hon. Mary Beth Ogulewicz, District Court of Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Ms. Janelle Price, Price Legal Practice
Hon. Kitty Schild, Former County Court at Law/Visiting Judge, Texas
Hon. Shannon Schlegel, 29th Circuit Court
Hon. Renee Stackhouse, San Diego Superior Court


The Federal Judges committee ensures that federal judges and magistrates are included and reflected in all aspects of NAWJ membership, leadership, networking, educational programming, and other activities.  The committee ensures that proposed legislation and other issues impacting the federal judiciary are effectively addressed by the Executive Committee and Board.

Committee Chair:

Hon. Shiva Hodges, U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina



The Finance Committee oversees the investment account and grant funding received by the organization. The committee also advises the board with respect to making significant financial decisions. The committee chair provides a monthly investment report to the Executive Committee and is a member of the Audit and Compliance Committee.


Hon. Leslie Stroth, New York State Supreme Court (NY County, Civil Branch)


Hon. Patrice Ball-Reed, Circuit Court of Cook County
Hon. Marcella Holland, Circuit Court for Baltimore City, Maryland


The Human Trafficking committee works toward eliminating human trafficking, especially women and children trafficked for sexual and labor exploitation.

Committee Chairs:

Summer Stephan, Esq., San Diego District Attorney


Hon. Ann Breen Greco, Independent Administrative Judiciary Professional
Hon. Helen Brown-Bryant, Boston Juvenile Court
Hon. Sharon Burrell, Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland
Hon. Judi Calhoun, Delaware Circuit Court #1
Hon. Marjorie Carter, California Superior Court, Orange County, Retired
Hon. Emily Gould Chafa, State of Iowa, Retired
Hon. Joan Churchill, Immigration Judge, Retired
Hon. Susan Criss, Criss & Rousseau Law Firm
Commissioner Deborah Cumba, San Diego Superior Court
Hon. Beverly Cutler, Alaska Court System, 3rd Judicial District
Hon. Holly D'Andrea, Executive Office for Immigration Review
Hon. Gwenlynn D'Souza, D.C. Department of Employment Services
Hon. Pamela Dashiell, Massachusetts Trail Court
Hon. Catherine Davis
Hon. Kimberly Dowling, Delaware Circuit Court #2
Hon. Ernestine Gray, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court, Retired
Hon. Sylvia Hanna, Tulare County Superior Court
Hon. Sandra Jenkins, Louisiana Court of Appeal, Fourth Circuit
Hon. Carmen Kcomt, Superior Court of Justice - Peru, Retired
Hon. Carol King, Immigration Judge, Retired
Hon. Patricia Lynch, Reno Justice Court
Hon. Kelly Mahoney, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Iowa
Hon. Hilleri Merritt, Los Angeles Superior Court
Hon. Charisse Mullen, Newport News General District Court
Hon. Linda Murnane, High Court Republic of the Marshall Islands
Lynn Schafran, Esq., Legal Momentum
Hon. Cathy Serrette, Circuit Court for Prince George's County, Maryland
Hon. Annette Smedley, 14th Circuit, Michigan
Hon. Renee Worke, Minnesota Court of Appeals


The Immigration committee explores, develops, and presents NAWJ judicial educational programs relating to issues on Immigration law, diversity, inclusiveness, implicit bias, cultural humility, acceptance and tolerance.

Committee Chairs:

Hon. Joan Churchill, Immigration Judge, Retired

Hon. Carol King, Immigration Court, Retired


Hon. Beverly Cutler, Alaska Court System, 3rd Judicial District
Hon. Holly D'Andrea, Executive Office for Immigration Review
Hon. Ernestine Gray, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court
Hon. Sylvia Hanna, Tulare County Superior Court
Hon. Andrea Koppenhofer, New York Immigration Court
Hon. Catherine Nugent Panepinto, Supreme Court of New York
Hon. Luisa Santiago, DOJ/EOIR


The International Outreach committee ensures that NAWJ is well-informed about international law and related issues, educates members on these issues, and provides commentary when appropriate. The committee seeks to maximize participation of women judges in international tribunals, the International Association of Women Judges, and other internationally-oriented bodies.


Hon. Bernadette D'Souza, Orleans Parish Civil District Court


Hon. Delissa (Lisa) Ridgway, U.S. Court of International Trade


Hon. Monica Bachner, Judicate West, Retired
Ms. Claudia Barber, City of Annapolis
Hon. Stacie Beckerman, U.S. District Court
Hon. Joan Churchill, Immigration Court, Retired
Hon. Ellen Gesmer, Appellate Division
Hon. Shiva Hodges, U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina
Hon. Kimberly Kurkjian, Newport News Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court
Hon. Marissa McDermott, Lake Circuit Court
Hon. Linda Murnane, High Court Republic of the Marshall Islands
Hon. Cara Lee Neville, 4th Judicial District Court, Minnesota
Ms. Annette Pitts, Justice Teaching Center for Civic Learning
Hon. Lakshmi Reddy, Vigo Superior Court 2
Hon. Michelle Rick, Michigan Court of Appeals
Hon. Dawn Rogers, 334th Civil District Court, Harris County, Texas
Hon. Jacqueline Shogan, Superior Court of Pennsylvania
Hon. Carmen Velasquez, Supreme Court of the State of New York
Hon. Debra Weintraub, Los Angeles Superior Court


The Judicial Education & Academic Network committee recommends to the Board of Directors and membership timely topics and subject matter for programs and assists in developing, and presenting judicial educational programs. In addition, the committee provides guidance in recording and preserving NAWJ history and archives.

Committee Chairs:

Hon. Marian Perkins, Circuit Court of Cook County


Hon. Marcine Anderson, King County District Court
Hon. Monica Bachner, Judicate West
Hon. Courtney Boehm, 8th Judicial District, Geary County
Ms. Deborah Greenspan, Blank Rome LLP
Hon. Janine Highiet, Stanislaus Superior Court
Hon. Shiva Hodges, U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina
Dr. Joan B. Kessler, JAMS
Hon. Jane Mulqueen, Superior Court of Massachusetts


Since 2011, when it became apparent that unlimited sums of money could be spent on attack ads aimed at judges in elections, members of NAWJ decided to respond proactively, and thus the Informed Voters/Fair Judges Project was created. Now usually called IVP, this project has been the primary work of the Judicial Independence Committee from that time to the present. Among the first goals set by Judge Joan Irion, Justice Judith McConnell, and other early leaders of IVP, was to create educational materials for the public geared to a variety of age groups, to counter attacks on judges by providing accurate history and background information about the role of the Judicial Branch of our Constitutional democracy and the importance of independent and impartial courts to all of the people in America. Click here for full description.

Committee Chairs:

Hon Robin Hudson, North Carolina Supreme Court

Hon. Debra Stephens, Washington State Supreme Court


Hon. Judi Calhoun, Delaware Circuit Court #1
Ms. Jodi Cleesattle, California Department of Justice
Hon. Beverly Cutler, Alaska Court System, 3rd Judicial District
Hon. Karen Green, Massachusetts Superior Court, Retired
Hon. Sylvia Hanna, Tulare County Superior Court
Hon. Janine Highiet, Stanislaus Superior Court
Hon. Sandra Jenkins, Louisiana Court of Appeal, Fourth Circuit
Hon. Kristen Lucena, Butte County Superior Court
Hon. Judith McConnell, California Court of Appeal
Hon. Bianka Perez, Supreme Court, Bronx County Civil Term
Annette Pitts, Justice Teaching Center for Civic Learning
Hon. Delissa (Lisa) Ridgway, U.S. Court of International Trade
Hon. Laura Seigle, Los Angeles Superior Court
Ms. Patricia Taitano-Valdovinos, San Diego County Primary Public Defender
Hon. Sherri Tibbe, 453rd District Court
Hon. Theresa Timlin, U.S. Department of Labor
Hon. Christine Walczyk, North Carolina, Wake County, 10th Judicial



Hon. Karen Sage, 299th District Court of Texas


Ms. Tamarin Lindenberg, Lindenberg Law Group


The Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare committee’s mission is to ensure that NAWJ is well-informed about court initiatives that improve the lives of children and families and increase access to justice in a fair, equitable, effective and timely manner; provide information on standards, practices, and efficacy of the nation’s juvenile courts; explore, develop, and present educational programs related to the wide range of child welfare and  juvenile justice issues in courts and communities; and provide NAWJ members with information from other national associations that address child welfare and  juvenile justice initiatives including continuing education, data and research, publications, and technical assistance information.

Committee Chairs:

Hon. Ernestine S. Gray, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court, Retired

Hon. Marguerite Downing, Superior Court of California


Hon. Mary DeBoer, Porter Circuit Court
Hon. Sylvia Hanna, Tulare County Superior Court
Hon. Dana Kenworthy, Indiana Court of Appeals
Hon. Kimberly Kurkjian, Newport News Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court
Hon. Nghana Lewis, 40th Judicial District Court, Division B
Hon. Joy Cossich Lobrano, Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal, Louisiana
Hon. Katherine Lybrand, Alaska Court System
Hon. Bobbie McCartney, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Hon. Lori Morgan, Allen Superior Court
Hon. Amy Nechtem, Massachusetts Juvenile Court
Hon. Laura Polizzi, 52-3 District Court, Michigan
Ms. Janelle Price, Price Legal Practice
Hon. Cathy Serrette, Circuit Court for Prince George's County, Maryland


NAWJ LGBTQ+ Committee seeks to provide opportunities for NAWJ members to meet and exchange views and to promote education among its members and among the general public on legal and judicial issues related to the gay and lesbian community; and aid in ensuring the equal treatment of all persons who appear in a courtroom, as a litigant, attorney, juror, staff person in any other capacity.


Hon. Vickie Henry, Massachusetts Appeals Court

Hon. Victoria Kolakowski, Alameda County Superior Court


Hon. Patricia Bernstein, Boston Municipal Court, Retired
Hon. Ann Breen-Greco, Independent Administrative Judiciary Professional
Ms. Jodi Cleesattle, California Department of Justice
Hon. Carol King, Immigration Judge, Retired
Hon. Nghana Lewis, 40th Judicial District Court, Division B
Hon. Michelle McGovern, Iowa Division of Workers' Compensation, Retired


The Membership Outreach and Retention committee ensures NAWJ includes members from each of the major judicial groups, helps to recruit and meet the special needs of each group, and formulates and implements a plan for membership recruitment and retention.  The committee analyzes statistical data and other information that may assist in identifying issues relevant to retaining and increasing membership.

Committee Chairs:

Ms. Zenell Brown, Third Circuit Court of Michigan

Hon. Kathy King, Supreme Court of New York, Kings County


Hon. Courtney Boehm, 8th Judicial District, Geary County
Hon. Bianka Perez, Supreme Court, Bronx County Civil Term
Hon. Maria Salas-Mendoza, 120th Judicial District Court
Hon. Judith Wheat, Arlington Circuit Court


The Military and Veterans Committee includes military judges (active duty, guard, and reserve), judges serving in any judicial capacity who qualify as veterans of any branch of the Armed Forces, retired military members in any capacity, judges and court support staff whose dockets include Veterans Treatment or similar mental health support courts, spouses and family members of U.S. military members (active duty, guard, and reserve) and veterans, and those whose practice includes representation of military members and veterans.  The committee ensures that these members and their concerns and issues are included and reflected in all aspects of NAWJ membership, leadership, networking, and educational programming and other activities.  The Committee also seeks to educate the judiciary on how involvement in the courts affects servicemembers, veterans, and their families.  The Committee ensures the sharing of information unique to military members and military judges, as well as the family life issues that impact servicemembers, veterans, military spouses ,and their families, including, but not limited to: specialized information on the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the court-martial process, military equality for women, men, and the LGBTQ+ community, issues related to visitation, custody, family housing, dual punishment of military members and their families in the criminal justice system, licensing challenges, medical care access, Veterans Administration benefits and access challenges, and related matters.  

Committee Chairs:

Col. Linda Murnane, U.S. Air Force, Retired


Hon. Lizbet Muñoz, San Diego Superior Court
Hon. Catherine Nugent Panepinto, Supreme Court of New York
Hon. Luisa Santiago, DOJ/EOIR
Hon. Renee Stackhouse, San Diego Superior Court
Hon. Renee Worke, Minnesota Court of Appeals


The Nominating committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President, presents at least one nominee for each officer position.

Committee Chair:

Hon. Karen Sage, 299th District Court of Texas



The Projects committee assesses, supports and ensures broad replication of NAWJ programs. The committee also monitors the viability on an ongoing basis of both new and longstanding programs, and periodically tracks their presentations.  Ongoing projects include:

  • ​Color of Justice
  • ​From the Bar to the Bench
  • ​Informed Voters Project
  • ​Mentor Jet
  • ​Storybook Project
  • ​Women’s Resource Fair
  • ​Women Moving Forward
Committee Chair:

Hon. Carmen Velasquez, Supreme Court of New York


Hon. Beverly Cutler, Alaska Court System, 3rd Judicial District
Hon. Yadhira Gonzalez-Taylor, Bronx Civil Court
Ms. Deborah Greenspan, Blank Rome LLP
Hon. Sylvia Hanna, Tulare County Superior Court
Hon. Dana Kenworthy, Indiana Court of Appeals
Dr. Joan B. Kessler, JAMS
Hon. Delissa (Lisa) Ridgway, U.S. Court of International Trade
Hon. Maria Salas-Mendoza, 120th Judicial District Court
Hon. Luisa Santiago, DOJ/EOIR
Hon. Laura Seigle, Los Angeles Superior Court
Hon. Lorrie Taylor, Loudoun County General District Court
Hon. Judith Wheat, Arlington Circuit Court
Ms. Cathy Winter-Palmer, CWP & Associates


The Resolutions committee receives and reports on all resolutions proposed for adoption at the Annual Meeting.


Hon. Mary Schroeder, U.S. Court of Appeals


Hon. Marcella Holland, Circuit Court for Baltimore City, Maryland


The Retired/Senior Judges committee seeks to maximize the membership and active participation in NAWJ of retired and senior judges. The committee promotes programing, networking, and other opportunities tailored to meet the needs and take advantage of the experience, perspective, and expertise of retired and senior judges.

Committee Chair:

Hon. Joan Churchill, Immigration Judge, Retired


Hon. Monica Bachner, Judicate West, Retired
Hon. Cynthia Baldwin, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Retired
Hon. Mary Becnel, 40th Judicial District Court, Retired
Hon. Carol Berry, Phoenix Municipal Court, Retired
Hon. Marjorie Carter, California Superior Court, Orange County
Hon. Beverly Cutler, Alaska Court System, 3rd Judicial District
Hon. Pamela Dashiell, Massachusetts Trial Court
Hon. Phyllis Flug, New York State Supreme Court, Queens County
Hon. Julie Frantz, Multnomah County Circuit Court
Hon. Karen Green, Massachusetts Superior Court, Retired
Hon. Robin Hudson, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Retired
Hon. Patricia Hurst, Rhode Island Superior Court, Retired
Hon. Judith Kline, Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court
Hon. Cindy Lederman, Eleventh Circuit Court of Florida
Hon. Barbara Levenson, 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida, Retired
Hon. Patricia Lynch, Robertson Johnson Miller & Williamson
Hon. Miki McGovern, Iowa Division of Workers' Compensation
Hon. Jamoa Moberly, ADR Services
Hon. Susan Moiseev, 46th District Court
Hon. Karla Moskowitz, Appellate Division, First Department, Retired
Hon. Orlinda Naranjo, Senior Judge, Retired
Hon. Beverly Nash, D.C. Office of Administrative Hearings, Retired
Hon. Cara Lee Neville, 4th Judicial District Court, MN
Hon. Doris Pechkurow, Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas
Hon. Kitty Schild, Former County Court at Law/Visiting Judge, Texas
Hon. Emily Shattil, Social Security Administration
Hon. Jacqueline Shogan, Superior Court of Pennsylvania
Hon. Julia Weatherly, Circuit Court of Prince George's County, Maryland
Hon. Diane Wray, Buffalo City Court


The Women in Prison committee disseminates information, makes recommendations and develops new initiatives relating to NAWJ programs to improve the lives of women inmates and/or ex-offenders, and their relationship with their children.

Committee Chairs:

Hon. Suzanne Maxwell Barnes, Erie County, New York

Hon. Judith Wheat, Arlington Circuit Court


Hon. Dania Ayoubi, Maryland Office of Administrative Hearings
Hon. Stacie Beckerman, U.S. District Court
Hon. Susan Criss, Criss & Rousseau Law Firm LLP
Commissioner Deborah Cumba, San Diego Superior Court
Hon. Beverly Cutler, Alaska Court System, 3rd Judicial District
Hon. Yadhira Gonzalez-Taylor, Bronx Civil Court
Hon. Ernestine Gray, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court, Retired
Hon. Sylvia Hanna, Tulare County Superior Court
Hon. Sandra Jenkins, Louisiana Court of Appeal, Fourth District
Hon. Danielle Jose-Decker, Sullivan County Court
Hon. Nghana Lewis, 40th Judicial District Court, Division B
Hon. Shayla Marshall, Kansas City Municipal Court
Hon. Brenda Murray, Retired
Hon. Beverly Nash, D.C. Office of Administrative Hearings
Hon. Catherine Nugent Panepinto, Supreme Court of New York
Hon. Marian Perkins, Circuit Court of Cook County
Hon. Cathy Serrette, Circuit Court for Prince George's County, Maryland
Hon. Julia Weatherly, Circuit Court of Prince George's County, Maryland
Hon. Renee Worke, Minnesota Court of Appeals, St. Paul

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