

Written by National Association of Women Judges|September 01, 2005|News Archive

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the National Center for State Courts has been inundated with calls from courts around the country asking how they can help the courts in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.

To respond to this need, the NCSC is establishing a clearinghouse for the nation's courts to identify equipment, personnel, and other resources that can be made available to the affected courts. In turn, the courts in the devastated areas can list resources most needed for them to recover and rebuild.

"We've created this clearinghouse to provide one central location for the coordination of the resources available with those required. This is one small way we can aid our colleagues during this time of great need," said Mary Campbell McQueen, NCSC president. NCSC staff will work with the leaders in the affected states to share this information so as to facilitate the distribution of resources.

Information on the Clearinghouse is posted on the NCSC's Web site,

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