Written by National Association of Women Judges|July 22, 2020|News
The Board of the New Jersey State Bar Foundation met in June 2020 and passed their 2020-2021 budget which included a co-sponsorship grant award of $4,000 in support of NAWJ’s New Jersey Chapter’s Color of Justice Program. The Foundation’s Director of Administration and Grant Programs, Mary Jean Barnes, JD: “This year has been challenging (to say the least!), and the Foundation expects to see a significant decrease in our revenue from IOLTA in the upcoming year, but our commitment to non-profit organizations remains strong. We are proud to continue the partnership with your organization and look forward to working together to serve New Jersey communities.
The New Jersey Chapter was one of NAWJ’s early pioneers in presenting Color of Justice programs, presenting the second pilot presentation in New Jersey in 2003. (The program was organized by the late Judge Shirley Tolentino, NAWJ President (1996-1997.) The New Jersey Chapter continues its enthusiasm and leadership in their communities, and is planning a program for the 2020-2021 year. The year’s Color of Justice program chairs include the Honorable Michelle Capers Hollar-Gregory and the Honorable L. Grace Spencer.