
August 2024 President's Letter

Written by National Association of Women Judges|August 07, 2024|Monthly Update Archive

Dear Members —

karen-sage.pngI hope you are enjoying your summer!  Summer for me has been filled with conferences.  I just returned from the American Bar Association Annual Conference in Chicago.  It was wonderful connecting with so many of our members there.  You can see some of the photos in this newsletter.   As a reminder to our members, NAWJ and the ABA offer a joint membership.  In the past we have co-sponsored several important webinars with the ABA Judicial Division. We value this partnership and encourage our members to join the ABA.  The normal annual dues for individual members of the ABA are $150 plus $50 Judicial Division dues, for a total of $200. As a group member through NAWJ, you pay only $150 to join both the ABA and the Judicial Division - a savings of $50.  You can access this membership on this link:  complete this form . In the past we have co-sponsored several important webinars with the ABA Judicial Division. If you joined through the NAWJ ABA Group Membership last summer will also need to submit your renewal request and payment through the same form . Group membership open enrollment will be open until August 16th, 2024

Later this week I will be attending the Lavender Law Conference and Career Fair in Washington, DC organized by the LGBTQ+ Bar Association. I look forward to connecting with our colleagues in the LGBT+ community. For other members of NAWJ who are planning on attending please contact me and we can get together. You can email me directly at As president, I have made sure that topics important to LGBTQ+ have been part of our conferences this year. NAWJ’s mission of equal access to justice and fairness and equity in the courts is as critical as ever to members of the LGBTQ+ community. I welcome opportunities for us to work together.

Next month I will attend the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA) Roundtable Discussion on the effect of AI on the American Civil Trial Bar. 

It is hard to believe that my year as your president is coming to an end.  It has been an amazing year.  Without a doubt, one of the best parts of this job is meeting with the leaders and members of other legal organizations throughout the country that share our goals. These meetings have been inspiring and productive. We can accomplish so much more when we work in collaboration with our colleagues in the legal community.

Best wishes on a safe and happy remainder of your summer!


Hon. Karen R. Sage
President, National Association of Women Judges

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