Written by National Association of Women Judges|November 05, 2024|Monthly Update Archive
Dear Sisters in the Law:
Thank you for the privilege of serving as 44th President of NAWJ. I am humbled and honored to fulfill this role. I appreciate your confidence, and I look forward to a remarkable year.
When I joined the National Association of Women Judges years ago, I had no idea the profound impact the organization would have on my career. Through NAWJ, I have met judges from around the nation and around the world whose daily contributions to the justice system serve as an inspiration. Through their work and deeds, these judges live NAWJ’s mission: to promote the judicial role of protecting the rights of individuals through strong, committed, diverse judicial leadership; fairness and equality in the courts; and equal access to justice.
The theme of my presidency is ‘Access to justice is justice for all’. I intend to highlight the needs of those community members most likely to fall into what is referred to by the Legal Services Corporation as the justice gap. This gap is defined as the difference between the need for civil legal assistance, and the resources available to meet that need. The justice gap can also refer to the number of people who have unmet justice needs. People most likely to fall into the gap include low income Americans who earn 125% at or below the Federal Poverty Level, seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, domestic violence and sexual assault survivors, returning citizens, and rural residents. As LSC reports, a shocking 86% of the civil legal problems experienced by low-income Americans receive inadequate or no legal help whatsoever. You can become better informed about the needs of those in the justice gap by reading the Legal Services Corporation 2022 Justice Gap report here: https://justicegap.lsc.gov/the-report/
Through NAWJ’S virtual and in person programming this year, we will explore what we can do to eliminate the justice gap. We will consider uses of technology and generative artificial intelligence as means to facilitate justice; we will discover grant opportunities for special populations like rural communities; and we will learn about innovative court programming that lends a hand to those most in need.
I hope every NAWJ member will hear the call and lead a charge in her community to reduce or eliminate the justice gap. If we all commit ourselves to doing something, one thing, collectively, we can make a difference.
I look forward to accomplishing great things with you this year!
The Honorable Michelle Rick
President, National Association of Women Judges